Please download the Ava Fertility app onto your smartphone from:

App Store™ for iPhone: "Ava Fertility" 


Play Store™ for Android: "Ava Fertility"

Once downloaded, open the Ava Fertility app on your phone to set up your account. Register your account details (e-mail address/username and password). Check your e-mail for the activation link (check your spam folder too just in case). Click the activation link.   

When you first start using the app, it will ask you a few questions that are necessary for Ava Fertility to function optimally (e.g. regarding your cycle history). Correct answers are important – please make sure you set aside a few minutes to go through these questions carefully. 

Follow the onscreen instructions to pair your Ava bracelet with the app before wearing the bracelet for the first time.  

For pairing assistance to your mobile phone, please click here.